When it comes to driving, there are always dangers. However, adopting a few practices can help us avoid getting into accidents. As a result, here are some tips and tidbits to help improve your driving experience.
Avoid rushing. Try to make it so you don't drive recklessly by giving yourself enough time to make it to your destination. If you are stuck in traffic or something similar in nature, just explain it to your appointment. Don't do something that might cause an accident and make it so you can't make it there anyways. Also, by not rushing, you can stay awake and aware of the bad drivers who make dangerous and stupid maneuvers.
Know your Yellow Lights. From what I have seen, Yellow Lights typically stay for about one-tenth of the Speed Limit in seconds. So for a 50 MPH zone, the light will stay yellow for about 5 seconds, but don't take it for granted. Some areas do have it shorter so you should pay attention and drive through only if you believe you can make it before it turns red. This means don't try to make left turns when the light is already Yellow. It will generally be red before you even start turning. While you can make a yellow light if you are going straight, you can truly never make it while turning left.
Don't start as soon as you see Green. Part of the reason is said above. People will try to make left turns even when the light turns yellow. This means the light will turn green for you before they finish. Wait until it's clear before you start.
Change lanes safely. Don't change lanes as soon as the car passes you because they might unexpectedly slam on their breaks as you aren't looking. Don't change lanes when you just pass a car either because they might be accelerating and not notice you, especially if you are speeding at 10 MPH faster than everyone else.
Turn Red Lights into good things. If your significant other is with you, make red lights romantic. One way red lights have been less tedious for me is that it means I can get a nice hug or kiss while we are waiting. There are other things you can do too such as use them as opportunities to check your gas tank or change the radio. Just make sure you stay aware of your surroundings.
Plan your route. GPS is a great tool but people's dependency has caused them to stop planning their trips. This means these drivers don't know which lane to get into or when they need to make a turn right after making a turn. If you plan your route, you can determine the lanes you need to get into and keep you from making many dangerous maneuvers.
Look ahead. You should always pay attention to the car in front of you, but you should also take note of the car in front of that one. Whatever the next car does will generally impact the car in front of you and therefore you can anticipate what you need to do. No reason to accelerate if you know the head car is braking. Also, Red always trumps. If the light is green but the car in front is braking, then you need to brake.
Know the roads. Once I was driving and the woman behind me was being impatient going just at the speed limit. However, I feel like she didn't know the road because there is a good reason for the speed limit. Because you are going uphill, she didn't know that it becomes a steep drop all of a sudden and there is a traffic light in the middle. Until you make the last-second turn, you don't know if it's green or red. Also, if you don't press the brake, you can easily accelerate from 45 to 60 MPH. However, that isn't the only reason. There is another light at the bottom of the hill. However, even thoguh you can tell if the light is red, you cannot tell how many cars are stopped at it. There can be as many as 20 cars and you wouldn't be able to tell because of a wall that blocks the view until you make a turn. You cannot go fast than 45 MPH if you want to brake in time. If you know all of this ahead of time, then you can avoid making foolish mistakes.
Keep a safe distance. Tailgating is stupid, even more so when you are tailgating a truck. If the car has to brake all of a sudden, then you can be incredibly screwed and it's all your fault. Note that it's harder to brake when you have a bigger car than the one in front of you, meaning it is more likely to cause an accident. Also, when you do it behind a car bigger than yours, you block your view so you can miss what's happening ahead or the signs that tell you where you need to go. Besides, if you keep a good distance, even if the car ahead of you is braking for a second, you can just coast and you'll be fine. No braking necessary in so many cases if you keep the right distance. A good distance is generally 2 seconds behind the car in front. You should also be able to see the light in front of it under the car. Also, if you keep a safe distance, this allows for smooth lane changing that doesn't even affect your speed much. It's a win-win practice.
The Monthly Updated Blog. Follow on Twitter for more frequent musings and updates
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Speed Prompt
Hi everyone,
I had the intention on writing a post on Balancing Good and Evil, but I am going to need more time to think about it. Until then, I have a prompt for you to consider. What tells your mind if you are moving fast? Is it a visual queue? For example, if trees are close together, I feel sometimes I'm moving faster even though I'm only going 40 MPH as opposed to when I'm going 60 MPH and the trees are far apart. Then again, perhaps it's because those trees might be on curve and the ones far apart are on a straight road. Maybe it's a feeling of resistance and bouncing. If you are in a car with a bad suspension and low to the ground, you might feel like you are going faster than if you were going faster in a truck with a smooth suspension. What are your thoughts?
I had the intention on writing a post on Balancing Good and Evil, but I am going to need more time to think about it. Until then, I have a prompt for you to consider. What tells your mind if you are moving fast? Is it a visual queue? For example, if trees are close together, I feel sometimes I'm moving faster even though I'm only going 40 MPH as opposed to when I'm going 60 MPH and the trees are far apart. Then again, perhaps it's because those trees might be on curve and the ones far apart are on a straight road. Maybe it's a feeling of resistance and bouncing. If you are in a car with a bad suspension and low to the ground, you might feel like you are going faster than if you were going faster in a truck with a smooth suspension. What are your thoughts?
N. D. Moharo
Monday, November 24, 2014
True Equality
Hello everyone,
Sorry for writing this late. This last week, I was watching the Legend of Korra tv series on Nick and something about the villains struck me. Each of the four villains claim "equality" as their goal in some way or shape. When things are equal, they are supposed to be in balance, which happens to be the title of the final season. So it will be interesting to see how it ends up.
Something we as a society seem to have trouble is recognizing what true equality is. Some people think they need everything someone else has. If everyone is given the same things, then everything is equal, right? Actually, no. In fact, to do so would lead to absolute inequality.
Let's consider a shopping cart. You can fill it with different combinations of different items and end up with the same total cost as someone else who is buying fewer, but more expensive items. The value of the items inside the cart are equal, but they are made up of different things. These different items could be virtues and talents. It also can be circumstances which change how we view something. A dollar given by a rich man does not carry the same meaning as a dollar given by a poor man. The value of the dollar might be the same, but the sacrifice is completely different. The latter man is the one more worthy of praise.
No matter what, we will always have different needs and circumstances. Perhaps the first place we should have looked was in the family, where we have both an idea of equality despite knowing inequality. If you have siblings, then you know you always see inequality even though the parents might see true equality. The youngest may be considered the most spoiled because of all the attention he may get, but if he's only 3 months old, then he requires the attention, while a 8-year old sister can play with her friends. Of course there will be situations that will feel unfair, but we also always tend to look at only the small details, not taking into account the larger picture, part of which is the number of siblings you have change as you gain another.
To be honest, I can't tell you if my parents have their own favorite child, because we are so different. We have different attitudes and occupations. We each our able to do different things with our parents so it's fairly difficult to compare. However, I believe that we are each loved equally because of that uniqueness. It doesn't matter if one is given more money, because it's probably because he or she needs it more, or is thought of to use it more responsibly. We are different and are given different things, but in our parents eyes, we are equally loved, and that is what matters.
Sorry for writing this late. This last week, I was watching the Legend of Korra tv series on Nick and something about the villains struck me. Each of the four villains claim "equality" as their goal in some way or shape. When things are equal, they are supposed to be in balance, which happens to be the title of the final season. So it will be interesting to see how it ends up.
Something we as a society seem to have trouble is recognizing what true equality is. Some people think they need everything someone else has. If everyone is given the same things, then everything is equal, right? Actually, no. In fact, to do so would lead to absolute inequality.
Let's consider a shopping cart. You can fill it with different combinations of different items and end up with the same total cost as someone else who is buying fewer, but more expensive items. The value of the items inside the cart are equal, but they are made up of different things. These different items could be virtues and talents. It also can be circumstances which change how we view something. A dollar given by a rich man does not carry the same meaning as a dollar given by a poor man. The value of the dollar might be the same, but the sacrifice is completely different. The latter man is the one more worthy of praise.
No matter what, we will always have different needs and circumstances. Perhaps the first place we should have looked was in the family, where we have both an idea of equality despite knowing inequality. If you have siblings, then you know you always see inequality even though the parents might see true equality. The youngest may be considered the most spoiled because of all the attention he may get, but if he's only 3 months old, then he requires the attention, while a 8-year old sister can play with her friends. Of course there will be situations that will feel unfair, but we also always tend to look at only the small details, not taking into account the larger picture, part of which is the number of siblings you have change as you gain another.
To be honest, I can't tell you if my parents have their own favorite child, because we are so different. We have different attitudes and occupations. We each our able to do different things with our parents so it's fairly difficult to compare. However, I believe that we are each loved equally because of that uniqueness. It doesn't matter if one is given more money, because it's probably because he or she needs it more, or is thought of to use it more responsibly. We are different and are given different things, but in our parents eyes, we are equally loved, and that is what matters.
With Love,
N. D. Moharo
Friday, November 7, 2014
Concerning the idea of a god
Hello all,
While I tend to avoid religious discussion, there is an idea that was floating in my head that I wished to explore. In today's world, some people try to be very tolerant of other people's beliefs. One of the results of this is the idea that there is "One God, and it's the same God for every religion." The idea that is floating in my head says, this is absolutely false.
I can tell you that the idea of "One God, and it's the same God for every religion" is one that makes it easy for Atheists. The reason is because they need only to disprove one concept of god that people believe and they win their argument. However, if you hold that everyone does not believe in the same god, then there's more work to be done.
I'll even go as far as to say that people within the same religion don't believe in the same god. If you think that a god is someone who answers your every wish, you are probably missing a lamp or that's not true. If you think that god is someone that was created and then created people and the world, then you are like the Ancient Greeks (except for some like Aristotle). If you think the idea of god is someone's body that we are currently living on, then you are like the ancient Babylonians (or playing a game called Xenoblade Chronicles). The problem is that the further into these ideas you go, you realize they are mutually exclusive of each other. To say that all of these notions of a god are the same shows that you don't have a clear understanding of what being a god means.
If you have a firm belief in what a "god" is, then you would see that the whole world does not believe in the same god. If you have a definition like, "A supernatural being from which everything was made," then that would exclude any notions that "god was created."
Part of the reason why I have been thinking about this was hearing the argument that "God, as the first mover, created everything" being countered with "well, who created God?" Such a response demands a question "Do you know anything about logic?" If the idea of a god is that it is the first mover, by the definition of first, that means there was nothing before. So to ask "who created God?" is an invalid question because it is arguing against the definition of "the first mover." If someone insists in thinking that absurd question is a valid point, there is no point in talking anymore. You can't argue with people who are illogical.
The other reason why I am writing about this is because I am wondering what exactly it means to be a god. You can't say that there is no God if you don't even understand what it means to be God. What we can do is bring up ideas of gods and then refute them one by one until we come to a clear understanding. However, I don't have the energy to do that right now so let's focus on one idea and then what it means.
Throughout history, it appears that one common idea of god is that a god does stuff for you. If you need water, you perform a ritual and rain will come. If you desire a good harvest, you sacrifice a tenth of your wheat and it will multiply. These ideas seem to be common in a lot of religions. I want to look at the idea that goes against this notion; the idea of fatherhood.
This idea is mostly popular with the rise of Christianity, though it appears some Christians think of God as someone who does your bidding if you ask. Sounds like a supernatural butler to me from which I then wonder how is that any different from magic? Of course, we have muddled our idea of what magic is, so that will have to be another topic for another time. The reason why I'm interested in the idea of God as a Father is because it goes against the idea of a glorified butler and actually looks better.
Think of it this way. Do you know of any master that truly cares about his butler? The butler is meant to serve you as the most important person. The idea that a supreme supernatural being is inferior to us is just horrifying and makes no sense. However, a father who listens to the requests of his children does make sense. There's something weird that happens when you grow up. you realize that things that used to appear so important really don't matter anymore. So what if I didn't get to sit at "my desk" in that "one class"? Does that matter now compared to "How am I going to afford to repair my car?" We consider the things that we see right now as the things that are important. As we grow older and realize there are far more important affairs, we can see farther and better organize our priorities and anticipate what is necessary. I think we can easily prove that there is no god that is just like a supernatural butler, but to disprove that there's a god who's like a father is much harder. This is because instead of saying, "right away, sir!" we might hear, "wait a second." Even then, a good father normally would look and see if the request is good for his child ad answer accordingly. A 14 year old might ask for a car, but a good father would say, "You're not ready. Wait until you are older and have experience driving." If we were to say which concept is more likely to be true, I would argue in favor of the "father."
Now there is more to discuss, but I can't think about it anymore for today. Perhaps I shall visit this topic again another time, but I will likely wait until I have a better grasp of the various ideas before doing so. Until then, I hope that you at least realize that we need to be careful about our definitions of things that we take for granted, such as the concept of a god.
Update: J. D. Nyle wrote a piece on magic a while back. Since I don't have anything to add, I'll share the link here: http://neostrikershining.blogspot.com/2015/11/magic-confusion-lotr-and-shining.html
While I tend to avoid religious discussion, there is an idea that was floating in my head that I wished to explore. In today's world, some people try to be very tolerant of other people's beliefs. One of the results of this is the idea that there is "One God, and it's the same God for every religion." The idea that is floating in my head says, this is absolutely false.
I can tell you that the idea of "One God, and it's the same God for every religion" is one that makes it easy for Atheists. The reason is because they need only to disprove one concept of god that people believe and they win their argument. However, if you hold that everyone does not believe in the same god, then there's more work to be done.
I'll even go as far as to say that people within the same religion don't believe in the same god. If you think that a god is someone who answers your every wish, you are probably missing a lamp or that's not true. If you think that god is someone that was created and then created people and the world, then you are like the Ancient Greeks (except for some like Aristotle). If you think the idea of god is someone's body that we are currently living on, then you are like the ancient Babylonians (or playing a game called Xenoblade Chronicles). The problem is that the further into these ideas you go, you realize they are mutually exclusive of each other. To say that all of these notions of a god are the same shows that you don't have a clear understanding of what being a god means.
If you have a firm belief in what a "god" is, then you would see that the whole world does not believe in the same god. If you have a definition like, "A supernatural being from which everything was made," then that would exclude any notions that "god was created."
Part of the reason why I have been thinking about this was hearing the argument that "God, as the first mover, created everything" being countered with "well, who created God?" Such a response demands a question "Do you know anything about logic?" If the idea of a god is that it is the first mover, by the definition of first, that means there was nothing before. So to ask "who created God?" is an invalid question because it is arguing against the definition of "the first mover." If someone insists in thinking that absurd question is a valid point, there is no point in talking anymore. You can't argue with people who are illogical.
The other reason why I am writing about this is because I am wondering what exactly it means to be a god. You can't say that there is no God if you don't even understand what it means to be God. What we can do is bring up ideas of gods and then refute them one by one until we come to a clear understanding. However, I don't have the energy to do that right now so let's focus on one idea and then what it means.
Throughout history, it appears that one common idea of god is that a god does stuff for you. If you need water, you perform a ritual and rain will come. If you desire a good harvest, you sacrifice a tenth of your wheat and it will multiply. These ideas seem to be common in a lot of religions. I want to look at the idea that goes against this notion; the idea of fatherhood.
This idea is mostly popular with the rise of Christianity, though it appears some Christians think of God as someone who does your bidding if you ask. Sounds like a supernatural butler to me from which I then wonder how is that any different from magic? Of course, we have muddled our idea of what magic is, so that will have to be another topic for another time. The reason why I'm interested in the idea of God as a Father is because it goes against the idea of a glorified butler and actually looks better.
Think of it this way. Do you know of any master that truly cares about his butler? The butler is meant to serve you as the most important person. The idea that a supreme supernatural being is inferior to us is just horrifying and makes no sense. However, a father who listens to the requests of his children does make sense. There's something weird that happens when you grow up. you realize that things that used to appear so important really don't matter anymore. So what if I didn't get to sit at "my desk" in that "one class"? Does that matter now compared to "How am I going to afford to repair my car?" We consider the things that we see right now as the things that are important. As we grow older and realize there are far more important affairs, we can see farther and better organize our priorities and anticipate what is necessary. I think we can easily prove that there is no god that is just like a supernatural butler, but to disprove that there's a god who's like a father is much harder. This is because instead of saying, "right away, sir!" we might hear, "wait a second." Even then, a good father normally would look and see if the request is good for his child ad answer accordingly. A 14 year old might ask for a car, but a good father would say, "You're not ready. Wait until you are older and have experience driving." If we were to say which concept is more likely to be true, I would argue in favor of the "father."
Now there is more to discuss, but I can't think about it anymore for today. Perhaps I shall visit this topic again another time, but I will likely wait until I have a better grasp of the various ideas before doing so. Until then, I hope that you at least realize that we need to be careful about our definitions of things that we take for granted, such as the concept of a god.
N. D. Moharo
Update: J. D. Nyle wrote a piece on magic a while back. Since I don't have anything to add, I'll share the link here: http://neostrikershining.blogspot.com/2015/11/magic-confusion-lotr-and-shining.html
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
ADHD and ADD: Problem or Solution?
Hi All,
I will will start off by saying that I am not a doctor and I don't know too much about the things society regards as diseases called ADHD and ADD. Part of the reason why I don't know much is because the idea of it being a "disease" troubles me deeply. If anything, it might just be because it is over-diagnosed,and perhaps that is what I am really complaining about.
Every now and then, I wonder if I have one of these "sicknesses" as I can't sit still for long and can be easily distracted. At night, I can have so many ideas racing through my head, that sleep has said goodbye for the night. Even if I sleep, I can find my sheets and pillows thrown on the ground in the morning, though luckily not every night. However, I'm one of those people who refuse to get an actual diagnosis because I don't think pills are the answer. In fact, I think there are natural solutions for the actual problems and there are a some elements that are not problems at all.
One of the reasons why parents seem to consider ADHD a disease is school. They want their kids to do well in school, and kids with ADHD have a reputation for subpar grades. To be honest, the main reason why I would see if I would be diagnosed with ADHD is to prove that reputation wrong. Despite how distracted I got, my grades were among the top of my class in both High School and College as I graduated Summa Cum Laude. This was even when I was in a mood to not care about my grades, but I still did my homework, studied, and asked questions. If I didn't understand the material, I would ask questions until it made sense logically and then I would be fine. I watched a Studio Ghibli movie the other day where a girl having trouble with fractions was asking how dividing fractions made sense. The way she said how it appeared to her was confusing even to someone who did understand fractions. The problem was that it was mixed up logically, so after I thought about it, I could give a proper explanation if asked. Sometimes, you just need to ask questions so someone can show you where you got confused.
Also, if a student isn't grasping the concept he is supposed to be learning, maybe it's because the way the teacher was teaching the class was ineffective. My Algebra teacher talking about adding One Cat and One Dog does not get you a Catdog-hybrid to explain why 1X + 1Y does not always equal XY was perfect for me. My Biology teacher's practice of pausing the video every second was very ineffective. The other alternative is that he isn't asking questions when he has them so the teacher doesn't know he has to spend time explaining the concept.
Back to the subject of school in general, it is unnatural. We talk about ADHD kids and their "disease" as if they are the ones not normal, but it's the concept of school that isn't right. One of my instructors asked a really good question to his class once. "Why is recess gone when you enter middle school? High school students need recess as much as little kids." It's true. Students need breaks where they can be freely active, not just P.E. but free. They need time to wind down and relax or space to go and play ball. Sitting at a desk for 6 hours is unnatural and unhealthy. ADHD people help bring to attention that people need to be active and to move around every few minutes. If we just sit in one unnatural position for periods of 50 minutes, then we are going to end up with backs and necks of 70 year olds by the time we're 35. It seems weird how health articles talk about how it's best to move around in the workplace, but it never mentions how it applies to school as well.
Some people think they only need medicine to fix their problems. However, I have yet to find a pill that doesn't have a side effect. The ADHD pills might actually be causing more problems in the process of "fixing" one. If one of the problems is focus, consider this, is it more productive to take on three tasks at once or to barely even do one? Someone I know with ADHD falls into the former category. He's done and learned far more than other people I know. I think ADHD actually helps in motivation. If seeing a project to the end is a problem, then that has to do with willpower and responsibility. Take care of those things and that won't be a problem anymore
As for my personal sleep problem, I've seen improvement after adopting a strategy. I try to stay off my laptop for an hour before I try to go to sleep and I try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. My time in Japan actually helped me with this as I noticed I could sleep well in I started a wind down procedure at 9 and was in bed by 10. If I missed the 10pm curfew because I was playing cards with friends, I had trouble sleeping for a long time even if I did the rest of the procedure.
What do you think? Is ADHD a real problem? I know when I was sick once, I had a horrible time trying to focus and was wondering if that is what ADHD people feel like all the time. If that is the case, then maybe medicine is best. But if the problems are the ones I normally deal with, that isn't a disease and should stop being treated as one. Personally, some of the people I know with ADHD were some of the nicest and most sociable people, and that isn't a bad thing. You know what that is also called? Sanguine. It's a temperament and completely natural as a personality type. Makes me wonder if those who labeled it as a disease were the pessimistic doctors.
N. D. Moharo
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Loss in Layers of Creation
Dear Sojourners of the Imagination,
I was thinking about my essay concerning my theory of creation and I thought about Creation Loss. This idea is that with each layer of creation, there is something missing from the previous. For our current situation, it's emotion. Think about it. Something people dislike about robots, our great form of creation, is the lack of humanity in them. They don't have emotion or feelings. In some regards, that's perfect, but not for some duties. The lack of humanity can make dealing with robots a chore and a hassle. The prime example of this is the automated recordings on the phone. I absolutely hate those things that tell you "Press # for ____." To make it worse, the options given don't correctly correspond with the reason you are calling. Just to make even worse, they hide the "Talk with a human" so well that you give up in frustration doing so. Some reasons for this is to increase efficiency but it feels more like so they don't have to pay good customer service employees. Alas, good customer service is something that should be highly valued by corporations that want a relationship with its customers.
Anyways, if, let's say, "humanity" is loss when we create something, what would be the reverse? If we were created, we probably loss something as well. If that were the case, I think it'd be what we refer to as "Divinity." What does "Divinity" mean? I actually can't say for certain at the moment. My guess it has something to do with all of the virtues a man can have. Virtues are the great habits we form that mark our character as good. Perhaps "Divinity" is the "perfection of good with no evil." Sure this would be the result of Judeo-Christian ideals, but perhaps that's the truth, or at least the one that makes the distinction in my head. This is because we can technically replicate with our own nature other things we associate with the Divine thanks to computers or the imagination. The only thing we cannot inherently do now is Perfect Goodness. We don't have a Perfect Morality. We are exactly like the Greek gods... flawed. So this is why I believe that Perfect Morality and goodness is what we loss. We can strive to obtain it, and perhaps robots will strive to learn emotion, can we ever reach that goal? Your faith might say it's possible, but that's a different subject.
I was thinking about my essay concerning my theory of creation and I thought about Creation Loss. This idea is that with each layer of creation, there is something missing from the previous. For our current situation, it's emotion. Think about it. Something people dislike about robots, our great form of creation, is the lack of humanity in them. They don't have emotion or feelings. In some regards, that's perfect, but not for some duties. The lack of humanity can make dealing with robots a chore and a hassle. The prime example of this is the automated recordings on the phone. I absolutely hate those things that tell you "Press # for ____." To make it worse, the options given don't correctly correspond with the reason you are calling. Just to make even worse, they hide the "Talk with a human" so well that you give up in frustration doing so. Some reasons for this is to increase efficiency but it feels more like so they don't have to pay good customer service employees. Alas, good customer service is something that should be highly valued by corporations that want a relationship with its customers.
Anyways, if, let's say, "humanity" is loss when we create something, what would be the reverse? If we were created, we probably loss something as well. If that were the case, I think it'd be what we refer to as "Divinity." What does "Divinity" mean? I actually can't say for certain at the moment. My guess it has something to do with all of the virtues a man can have. Virtues are the great habits we form that mark our character as good. Perhaps "Divinity" is the "perfection of good with no evil." Sure this would be the result of Judeo-Christian ideals, but perhaps that's the truth, or at least the one that makes the distinction in my head. This is because we can technically replicate with our own nature other things we associate with the Divine thanks to computers or the imagination. The only thing we cannot inherently do now is Perfect Goodness. We don't have a Perfect Morality. We are exactly like the Greek gods... flawed. So this is why I believe that Perfect Morality and goodness is what we loss. We can strive to obtain it, and perhaps robots will strive to learn emotion, can we ever reach that goal? Your faith might say it's possible, but that's a different subject.
From your Fellow Creator,
N. D. Moharo
P.S. What do you think would be the next layer in loss? If we lost Perfect Morality, and Robots lose Humanity, perhaps the ability to create? I'd like to hear your opinions
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Ponderings: Bed Firmness
I don't have any letters to write for today, so instead I'm just going to ponder. A while back, I checked out some mattresses with my lovely significant other. After all, when we decide to get married, it's important to get a bed we both can be comfortable in. Curious how different our tastes are, we went to the SleepNumber store and got our "sleep numbers." Hers was higher than mine. I wonder if that's normal. Then I remembered how she commented how she liked my firm structure and I said I preferred her being soft. I wonder if the degree of softness in a bed is related to the firmness of the body someone likes. Of course, asking different people about their physical preferences and beds is improper so I have not been able to do more than ponder. To be honest, I think it was more of a coincidence, but it would be interesting if these two things were related. Tell me if you found this to be the case as well.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Ignoring is Disrespectful Even When Mad
Dear Readers,
I do
not know where this idea came from, but ignoring someone completely when you
are angry with him or her is not a civilized way of dealing with it. Yes, it is
best to have some time apart to cool down, but that does no good if you brood
over some problem without communicating it. You may have heard that people who
fight grow closer together. That is because by arguing, you are at least
communicating the problems instead of letting them multiply.
you don’t communicate when you have a problem, you leave it to the other to try
and deduce what is wrong. Even if he or she can tell that something is wrong,
they are unlikely to figure out what that something was. This is especially the
case when they don’t think or did not do anything wrong at all. However, if you
refuse to talk about it, there’s little to no way for them to explain or
correct a misunderstanding.
When you do have a problem with someone, the
best thing to do is take a breather. When something makes you angry, it’s
generally only for 15 minutes max and the reasons why you are still angry come
into play. So it might not be just one problem but 20 small ones. Now, it’s not
good to just say them out of the blue either. You should give some warning that
you need to talk about something but you need a few moments to prepare. This
might also allow the other person to examine the problem beforehand and think
clearly instead of saying something stupid. When this is done, your discussions
have a good chance of being more civilized.
With Peace and Love,
N. D. Moharo
Monday, September 15, 2014
Misunderstanding and Creation
Dear Readers,
Last week, J. D. Nyle posted a letter which mentioned a little bit about his development of his story. In that letter, he made a comment that misunderstandings helped spur his imagination. I find this interesting as I personally do not like being misunderstood. However, I can see how not properly understanding an element can lead to creativity.
A while back, I wrote a letter about creativity and originality. There, I mention that an artist can only use what he is given. The imagination naturally only uses what it has seen. Misunderstanding how something is supposed to be grants a layer of freedom for creativity. It paves a new path for understanding how something could work. Even after he comes to understand something properly, the experience with his own development is invaluable. It could be said that whatever he made from that mistake is his own creation.
So I tell you that it is alright to not understand something right away. The process of developing an idea is one of the best inspirations for creativity.
Last week, J. D. Nyle posted a letter which mentioned a little bit about his development of his story. In that letter, he made a comment that misunderstandings helped spur his imagination. I find this interesting as I personally do not like being misunderstood. However, I can see how not properly understanding an element can lead to creativity.
A while back, I wrote a letter about creativity and originality. There, I mention that an artist can only use what he is given. The imagination naturally only uses what it has seen. Misunderstanding how something is supposed to be grants a layer of freedom for creativity. It paves a new path for understanding how something could work. Even after he comes to understand something properly, the experience with his own development is invaluable. It could be said that whatever he made from that mistake is his own creation.
So I tell you that it is alright to not understand something right away. The process of developing an idea is one of the best inspirations for creativity.
N. D. Moharo
Friday, August 29, 2014
Revelation: A Quality of a Strong Woman
Short revelation this time as I prepare my next letter.
I used to wonder "Why in the world would a girl stick with a guy who keeps on hurting her?" It made no sense. Then I realized, that is actually one of the great things of a woman, to be able to love even when it hurts. This quality is especially necessary for having children. After all, how many times in our childhood have we told our moms that we "hated" them, a woman who has sacrificed so much out of love? But they endure it and still love us. I know I don't want to hurt any girl I like but it will inadvertently happen, because we are human and hurt even when we intend to help. If it wasn't for that quality of enduring love in women, we'd be screwed. If she only cries and then forgives, she is truly the strong one. That said, I still want girls to start picking the guys who want to treat them right in the first place. That would so help eliminate the number of jerks in the world when guys realize they have to be nice.
I used to wonder "Why in the world would a girl stick with a guy who keeps on hurting her?" It made no sense. Then I realized, that is actually one of the great things of a woman, to be able to love even when it hurts. This quality is especially necessary for having children. After all, how many times in our childhood have we told our moms that we "hated" them, a woman who has sacrificed so much out of love? But they endure it and still love us. I know I don't want to hurt any girl I like but it will inadvertently happen, because we are human and hurt even when we intend to help. If it wasn't for that quality of enduring love in women, we'd be screwed. If she only cries and then forgives, she is truly the strong one. That said, I still want girls to start picking the guys who want to treat them right in the first place. That would so help eliminate the number of jerks in the world when guys realize they have to be nice.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Comprehension Prompt
Hello Everyone,
I tried to write a letter concerning the subject of comprehension, but it did not turn out well. My ideas are far too disjointed despite how often I dwell on the subject. All I have for you are two different quotes to ponder. The first I consider when I listen to foreign music. The second is for puzzles.
"The voice is a great instrument and each word is a key"
"The trick to understanding a paradox is to figure how it fits together"
I think of the second especially when people spend so much energy focusing on how something does not fit together. If something was said, then the person who said it was able to find a connection. The question is if we would stop focusing on how it does not work but instead on what could be the connection. Sometimes the hint is who it is addressed to while other times it can be synonyms, but there is a connection.
I tried to write a letter concerning the subject of comprehension, but it did not turn out well. My ideas are far too disjointed despite how often I dwell on the subject. All I have for you are two different quotes to ponder. The first I consider when I listen to foreign music. The second is for puzzles.
"The voice is a great instrument and each word is a key"
"The trick to understanding a paradox is to figure how it fits together"
I think of the second especially when people spend so much energy focusing on how something does not fit together. If something was said, then the person who said it was able to find a connection. The question is if we would stop focusing on how it does not work but instead on what could be the connection. Sometimes the hint is who it is addressed to while other times it can be synonyms, but there is a connection.
Happy thinking,
N. D. Moharo
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Service of Love
Service of Love
Dear Readers,
while back, a thought entered my mind about people. I noticed that the people
who loved the most were the people who served others. For weeks, I wondered why
this was the case. It wasn’t until the other day when I found that missing
puzzle piece. I have long said that Love is “Willing the good of the other,”
but it wasn’t until I heard it said as “Love is putting someone else’s needs
before yours” that it made sense. When you put someone else’s needs before your
own, you are serving them. Therefore serving people is an act of growing love.
This epiphany allowed me to put together other puzzles I had pondered.
noticed that if you refuse to let someone help you, they will eventually dislike
or even hate you. This is because if you
refuse their service, you refuse their love. You can do favors for them and
that might get them to like having you around, but that alone will not get them
to love you. It is when you serve people you recognize their humanity. You
recognize they have needs, desires, and dreams.
You may have heard that man is
not meant to be alone; that man is a social animal. I’ll go further and say
that it is the true nature of man to love. Consider this, in order for mankind
to continue, both the strong and weak would need to help each other. The strong
must protect and feed the weak while the weak must organize and develop things
for the strong. This is shown in nature as a man must care for his wife while
she carries their future to term. This is why marriage is so important. It is
the bond that keeps a man to fulfill his obligation to support his wife in good
times and bad. It escalates even more when the child is born, and yet I have
seen a change in people as they are now defined by their love for the child and
happy beyond belief.
I knew a girl who got pregnant
in college. She was a cheerful person to begin with, but after she had her
child she was ecstatic and would never give him up. She cared so much for her
son and would comment to me how she didn’t want anything anymore; everything
she bought was for her son and she was happy. That love she had, which showed
in her service to this adorable toddler, was inspiring. It is unfortunate that
is appears to be have been an act of hate that she was murdered a few weeks
ago. I can only hope that the love she had for others would inspire others to
at least help her pretty much orphaned toddler.
In order to be the greatest of
mankind, we must be servants. It is through service that we show and grow our
love for others. People are not toys to just give us some pleasure or
accomplish a goal. They have needs and desires; they live. They are our equals.
It is through service and love for each other that we can heal the scars of our
world and progress in virtue.
D. Moharo
Friday, July 18, 2014
Changes in Operation
Hello Everyone,
For almost two years (in October), I've tried to maintain this blog on average at least once a week. However, a big change is happening in my life and I'm no longer certain that I can continue at that pace. I do plan to continue updating this blog, but it will more likely be on a bi-weekly basis instead of once per week. If you wish to know when a post is uploaded, you can like my Facebook page and be notified that way. I may occasionally still have quotes or ideas to post on the Facebook page. Thank you for your support and I hope it will continue as I deal with this major change.
For almost two years (in October), I've tried to maintain this blog on average at least once a week. However, a big change is happening in my life and I'm no longer certain that I can continue at that pace. I do plan to continue updating this blog, but it will more likely be on a bi-weekly basis instead of once per week. If you wish to know when a post is uploaded, you can like my Facebook page and be notified that way. I may occasionally still have quotes or ideas to post on the Facebook page. Thank you for your support and I hope it will continue as I deal with this major change.
N. D. Moharo
Until my next post, which might be next week or the week after, consider this quote: "The person who serves is the person who acknowledges the humanity of others."
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Theory on Phobias
It has been said that people
fear what they do not know. I hold that is only partially true. It may be a
tendency but I believe there is a rational about why it can apply. Now my
comments are merely observations and a theory itself. I have no science to
prove this is actually the case, only experience. Alas, I should at least say
what my theory is.
A “phobia” is defined as a strong
fear or dislike: an irrational or very powerful fear and dislike of something
such as spiders or confined spaces. My theory hinges on the idea of
irrationality. I actually believe there is a level of rationality that appears
to have been taken out of proportion. For instance I’m afraid of heights, so I
can’t go on a Ferris wheel or a roller coaster. However, when I convinced
myself to try and go on a Ferris wheel, I noticed when the fear struck me. I
found out at what height I could not stand going past; it was the height where
I was afraid of falling from. The fear of heights is not so much of the height
as it is of the potential fall. When someone looks down, they become more aware
of the potential fall. That’s why you tell someone “Don’t look down!” As long
as the idea of the fall is not in his head, your friend might be able to handle
the height.
reason for a strong fear to exist is a rational that became extreme. Another
way of saying it is the phobia exists because of a real fear that happens to be
the primary association of something. Some people might think a Ferris wheel
just gives you a nice view. Some associate it with a date. Others like me
associate it as something that is liable to break down and have you either
stuck for a few hours or break apart, sending you for a long fall. Movies might
be the culprit for this rational, but if that is the first time you’ve seen a
Ferris wheel, especially as a little kid, that is how you are going to
associate it for a long time. The reason why going through it a second time
could cure the phobia is because you edit the primary association to that you
will not fall or maybe to one of the other things I mentioned not just through
rational, but through emotion.
for another context. One person can be afraid of snakes and spiders, but be
okay with frogs and mushrooms. All could be poisonous and deadly, but a lot of
people don’t consider the typical frog to be dangerous. They might first think
of Kermit the muppet, the princess and the frog story, or even biology class,
but not likely that they will attack or kill you. So there is rational and
emotion does amplify it, but there is rational nonetheless. Should we cure
ourselves of these? Maybe if it keeps you from being able to function in life
or be respectful to others. Otherwise, it does not matter too much, especially
when you realize why they are. When you learn why they exist, you might
actually develop more respect and considerateness for others. For example, someone
might hate belts because they associate belts with abuse.
last point I have is to address what I meant in the beginning. Most people in
their nature do not fear what they do not know. This is proven by the fact that
we are generally curious as children. As children, we don’t understand the
concept of danger so much and that’s why we need parents. They tell us what
they know to be dangerous and try to keep us safe. However, the parents can
also be the ones who establish our primary associations with things such as
spiders by telling us that they can kill us and reinforcing it. As a result, as
we grow older, we grow to be more cautious about things we don’t understand.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Sexual Objectivity and How to Fight It
Dear Women,
are your own enemy when it comes to gender equality. I know that women can think
as dirty as men when it comes to sexually objectifying the other gender. Just
go to a college campus and listen to what the freshmen girls say and it’s
obvious. However, we don’t hear nearly as much about men being sexual objects
as much as women. Besides the people who refuse to believe that is the case, I
can offer you a good reason why you don’t hear about it.
it or not, women, men dress better than you. It sounds wrong, but it’s true.
Think about what it means for a man to dress up. He has a full suit or at least
a long pair of pants and a long sleeved shirt. Only his head and maybe his
hands are showing. Now think about women and what it means for them to dress
nicely. It’s rare to hear about a modest dress being praised. In fact, most
outfits showcased at events like the Academy Awards are sexual teases. At least
some skin needs to be shown whether it is the full back, the upper half of her
breasts, an entire leg if not most of it, and maybe some midriff, not to
mention that they tend to be some combination of the above.
you cannot demand that men stop thinking about you sexually if you continue to
dress in ways that are sexually tempting. That includes wearing pants or shorts
that actually reach your knees and not just your upper thigh. If you truly
consider yourself to be equal to men, which you should, then why is it that men
can handle the summer heat with modest shorts and a regular t-shirt, but women
can’t? Again, why can men play tennis with the same style, but women need an incredibly
short skirt or shorts? Why is it the case that the whole “It’s hot outside” argument
comes from the gender that seems to get cold so easily? I find it incredibly
ironic that attempts from the men to get girls to dress modestly is met with
hostility from women.
If you are not the kind of woman
described above but instead the modest one, I applaud you. In fact, I find that
an important quality in the kind of woman I want to date. To dress modestly
allows men to see a respect you have for yourself. It is so much easier to
respect a woman physically and mentally who dresses modestly than a woman whose
entire legs and perhaps underwear show as soon as she sits down. By the way,
the latter is not business appropriate; it’s playboy/prostitute appropriate.
Also, I find it negative in a relationship. Not only would I not want you to
tempt me and distract me from what’s important, I don’t want you tempting other
guys. It only increases the probability of sexual harassment and bad
please! Stop undermining your causes. If you want men to not see you as sexual
objects, then stop dressing and acting like sexual objects. If you want men to
treat you right, then you need to stop undermining their efforts. Sexual
objectivity will always exist in mainstream culture as long as women continue
to support immodest outfits. That’s the truth so don’t believe any lies that
tell you otherwise. Let’s do our part to curb the sexual objectivity of women.
N. D. Moharo
P.S. This is only
one but a very important step. As long as women are portrayed sexually in
commercials like Carl’s Jr., in movies, and magazines, it will still exist. But
if anything, this will help the individual woman who does take this advice.
Sexual harassment may not be completely gone, but it will limit it. When you
meet new people, the way you dress will lead to how they will treat you.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Humanity versus Objects Prompt
I do not have my topic ready for this week as certain events, including the death of a friend, have prevented me from developing a position. In fact, I had forgotten which topic I wanted to write about quite a few times. I have continuously switched between a eulogy for my friend and something concerning humanity. So while I might write something to dedicate to my friend, I do have a prompt. Consider this claim: "Sometimes it is through arguing that we recognize someone as a human being." When are times that you find yourself recognizing someone else is a person and not just an object in some sense?
Friday, June 20, 2014
week, I do not have a letter for you all. Instead, I have an observation essay
that likely will not be well-written. I also might readdress the topic at a later date.
Last week, I wrote “so-called American
Revolution.” The basis for that phrase was based off the perspective of people
who would say nothing changed. The slaves were still slaves, women could not
vote, etc. However, on the other side, the government changed. The roles of the
former colonists were given more rights. Also, the American Revolution started
something, the French Revolution being part of it.
perspectives are important in making statements. It’s also important to
determine which perspectives are valid for making a claim. Definitions are also
interesting to consider. For example, are the changes I mention above a “fundamental
change”? Personally, I don’t care to argue about that topic. I care more about the ideas of perspectives. For example, when someone uses a “racist”
term, but a representative of the “offended” party says it was okay, does the
opinion of the public matter?
It is interesting that humans
can care for things that do not concern us and not care for things that do
concern us. The whole thing is a matter of perspective.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Avoid Extremes
My Dear Readers,
must caution you against extremes. When we give ourselves into the extreme
ideas on a position, we can only cause more suffering. Some people might feel
the only way to make things right is to swap the positions. However, what would
that do but instead place the victims in the roles of the offenders? Nothing
gets fixed, but instead the very little progress that was made gets destroyed.
also is not right to use extreme measures to make a point. For instance, it is
wrong for a vegetarian, to explain why he or she does not eat meat, to kill a
man’s child and serve it to him. Also, as ironic as it may be, it is wrong for
a “pro-life” supporter to wish a “pro-choice” advocate that his or her parents
had chose to abort the “pro-choice” supporter. Both, though in different areas,
are wrong. They both undermine the goal of their position; the vegetarian is to
respect all animals and life while the “pro-life” supporter is to say abortion is
never right, regardless of how someone might turn out to be. In addition, the
vegetarian would have committed murder and the “pro-life” activist used hate
speech. The result of any of these actions would be support for the problem,
not the solution.
When I look at literature that involves a
revolution, I am certainly more cautious about whether I agree with it or not.
At the moment, my opinion has been shaped to not praise a revolution unless a
solid plan of operation is in place. One thing I praise about the so-called
American Revolution is that it only really removed who was at the top. They
kept the local governments in place to keep things in control. Then they laid
out how they were to run the government, addressing many of the problems from
before. While I doubt it was entirely peaceful, that is far better than
anything I can say about the French Revolution. When a plan is laid out that
does not simply swap who is where in power, but works to treat the citizens
correctly, even those who were previously in power, there is hope for progress.
Otherwise, there can only be a Reign of Terror and the destruction of progress.
turned in to a Japanese murder mystery. At the end of the show, the main
character realized that revenge never ends unless someone is ready to forgive.
That is true. That is why it is important to teach people how to forgive. We
all offend someone one time or another, and sometimes it is truly grave.
However, we need to act not only to reconcile our actions, but to forgive and
move forward.
So I
say to you again, do not be easily swayed by the extremists in their positions.
It is not hard to find that the extremists actually attack the very people they
say they are trying to help. Actions must be kept in check by reason and love,
and if everyone adopts that, we will make progress.
N.D. Moharo
Friday, June 6, 2014
Post not ready; apologies
Hi everyone. While I do have a topic planned for this week, I have not been able to come up with a draft I am satisfied with nor do I think I will have time to work on it this weekend. Hopefully it will be ready by next week. Until then, I will simply point your attention to J. D. Nyle's story Neostriker: Shining and ask, "What do you think would happen if your dream came true? How would you act in that situation? Would you consider it real or not?"
Friday, May 30, 2014
Support the Local Arts
My dear readers,
must start off with pointing your attention elsewhere. J.D. Nyle over at his
recently launched blog has begun serializing his story Neostriker: Shining. Now
I will admit that I have been a part of the process for the development of his
story. I cannot say it is great, but I do like some of the ideas in the story
and I think the right kind of audience would appreciate it as well. I certainly
enjoyed the second half far more than the first. I would also say the writing
drastically improves then but that is only my opinion. Mr. Nyle says the story
was written as a tribute to the development of his Neostriker series as well as
a tribute to the various series that have played a role in inspiring it. I know
Mr. Nyle hopes this will help him build an audience to whom he can eventually
release his next work for. So I ask you to support him in his efforts. If you
can think of people who might enjoy it, I ask you to spread the word on Mr.
Nyle’s behalf. Thank you.
the whole thing above is the inspiration for this week’s topic. I believe it is
very important to support the local arts. A society is built upon the use and
study of the sciences, but a sign of when it thrives is the presence of its
arts. Arts help convey the values of a society as well as say when it is doing
well. This is why the arts flourish in prosperous times.
art does not simply appear out of thin air. While talent grants a nice
jumpstart, it has its limits. A lot of great art, whether in paintings, music,
crafts, or anything else comes from practice and work. Some may argue that
great artists don’t practice. I, on the other hand, argue contrary. I believe
that each work of art is practice, whether the artist sees it that way or not
is a different story. Either way, when I hear how some simple pieces of art can
take its skilled artists over 3 hours to make, I definitely will say that it
took a lot of work; far more than I would give.
As a
result of the work it takes, I encourage you to support the artists from the
beginnings. They may not be perfect, and they may simply play covers of popular
songs or repaint the Mona Lisa. However, just the effort itself is something
worth praising. And simply to receive some recognition and praise can help push
an artist to become the best he or she can be.
recall one day as I sat outside a movie theater waiting. On a bench across from
me, I saw a man playing a saxophone. It was actually very pleasant to listen to
and others agreed by giving him money. Unfortunately, the mall security came by
and forced him to stop. While I could partially understand why, I was very
disappointed. Hearing simple music in the air helped establish some life in the
environment. It was not overbearing, but acted simply to add something nice to
people’s ears as they pleasantly conversed.
have to admit, sometimes the stuff I see makes me very much depressed. But when
I see some nice music played by happy artists, it totally makes me believe in
society again. This is one reason why I’m a fan of the Lindsey Stirling videos
Electric Daisy and Spontaneous Me. The music is great, but the dancing
completes it and brightens my mood. I hope more people are inspired and allowed to play like
that and I think we should provide environments where they can be free to do so.
N.D. Moharo
P.S. You can find the story at
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