To the Battle-Torn Lovers,
Fights with your significant other are bound to
happen. There's a saying that the people we hurt the most are the ones closest
to us. However, the more the problems that arise are dealt with without
fighting, the better. How can we avoid escalating these problems into
"battles"? What can be done afterwards? I actually recently found the
answers to the first question and its amazing how obvious it should be.
I just saw a program about scolding and the first
step for "good scolding" was as follows: Confirm the Facts. So many
of the "fights" I had with my lovelier other half lately could have
been avoided if she asked me if her conclusion was correct before acting up.
This is because we as a society have an unfortunate tendency to mistake thoughtfulness
for thoughtlessness. One example was she cooked dinner but concluded I didn't
appreciate it because I didn't say "Thank you." What we eventually
found out was that I kept saying what I thought to mean "Thank you for the
meal," in her native language but it didn't. Hence, the stress and
conflict could have avoided if she asked, "Do you appreciate my
cooking?" instead of concluding that I didn't and become cold (note: she's
a fantastic cook).
Something that should be avoided is the assumption
the other knows what he or she did wrong. This is because we feels most of our
actions are justified until we are proven wrong. Remember the story about
cooking? I tried to say thank you in her native language because such efforts
tend to be the best received. I failed but that was because the phrase I used
was translated as "Thank you for the meal" in the language course I
was listening to. I should have tried saying both in English and her language,
but I didn't know that until she pointed it out.
Another thing to avoid is stopping the
communication. The point of fights is to communicate what your are feeling, but
if one side stops it, then there is nothing that can be done but determine the
relationship is over. I cannot think of a more damaging blow to the communication
between a couple than hanging up the phone or walking away in the middle the
other's explanation. It does not matter if the explanation is good or bad. When
you sever the communication, it is YOU who burned the bridge because by doing
that, you just expressed that you do not care to listen to the other. If this
happens, QUICKLY APOLOGIZE! Otherwise there will be no confidence you can ever
communicate properly and your relationship is over. If you do not care to
listen, it shows that you do not care to love.
Speaking of Love, that is truly the key to not only
avoiding the fights, but also the recovery from them. I could ramble on about
how "love is putting the other's needs before your own" but I've
already explained that in a few of my letters. This time I'll explain the Love
Language theory in how you can express your love to your beloved and have it
well-received. There's a book by Dr. Gary Chapman that claims we all have a
Love Language. This is how we express and receive love primarily. Remember how
I mentioned about speaking in your beloved's native tongue, the theory is the
same here. Even though you are saying the same thing, it won't mean as much as
when said with the primary language of love.
So do we have to learn French? Not at all, unless
your beloved is French with a certain love language. Dr. Chapman lists 5
languages that we speak and they are as follows: Words of Affirmation, Quality
Time, Acts of Service, Gifts, and Physical Touch. Let's divide those and very
briefly explain what they mean.
Words of Affirmation: Positive feedback. When someone does
something, they like to be praised for their good work or effort. A woman may
want to hear she's beautiful and thanks. A man may want to hear good job and
Quality Time: These are the people who want your
attention. Just being with them but buried in your phone would actually be
worse than not being with them. They may not know what to do, but they know
they want to be with you.
Acts of Service: Surprise breakfast in bed is the most
famous example. These people respond greatly to receiving what may appear to be
trivial acts such as making their coffee in the morning.
Gift Giving: This person loves Christmas Gift
Exchanges. Not only do they feel the saying that it's great to give, they also
like to receive. The gifts don't necessarily need to be expensive. They can be
letters, a flower, or even a couple pieces of chocolate.
Physical Touch: Hugs. If they see something cute, they
likely want to hug it. Warm touching is what these people respond to the most.
They are also very sensitive to being pushed away, especially if they are
trying to hug you.
It is important to know these languages because it
will help drastically when your spouse says, "I don't feel like you love me
anymore," even when you say the words "I love you" every
morning. This would be because words are not his or her love language but maybe
gift giving is. The reason why we don't know this when we are dating is because
we naturally do all five. While it would be great to continue to do all five,
it's most important to focus on the top two or three that your loved one
communicates with.
Dr. Chapman also points out that everyone has a
"Love Tank" that needs to be filled through these Love Languages.
Something that should be noted is that after a fight, the Love Tank can get
near to empty and if it stays down there too long, that's when threats of break
ups start to happen. Something you really don’t want to do is tell your beloved
that you don't love him or her. Therefore it is crucial that you try to
communicate with the Love Languages after or during a fight. For example, if
Physical Touch is the primary language for both of you, Hug. This is why you
may have heard of the term "Make-up Sex," it works for some people
because of the language. You may have heard that it's important to give each
other some time to organize your thoughts, but only do that after you've
convinced each other you still love one another through those languages. Words
may not be enough. As I mentioned before, you do not want to sever
communications and it's more the case when you both are low in your Love Tanks.
It's also not going to help if Quality Time is the primary or secondary
With Love,
N. D. Moharo
P.S. The Love Languages don't apply just to romance but also to
our daily lives with friends and relatives. Try using them and see how much
your relationships grow.